Thanks for the s/o Summer! <3

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I love all these episodes so much! My favorites of the bunch are definitely “Love & War & Snow” because the feeling of the first snow is always magical, and “The Bracebridge Dinner” because one, vibes, but two, Jess and Rory riding in the sleigh together 😌 I actually had no memory of “Santa’s Secret Stuff” so I looked it up and immediately said to myself, “oh THAT’S why.” #JusticeForLane #NumberOneChristopherHater

Also as someone who did grow up in a walkable suburb in the snowy weather, it’s magical for the first day or so, until you realize you have to walk to school with mountains of snow and ice on the sidewalks 🥲

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Yeeeessss, those are all the reasons I love those episodes too. Nothing matches that first snow magic.

Hahahaha I also HATE Christopher. Honestly, the more I watch it, the more I hate him. He just gets worse the more you watch lololol. And, ugh, Lane really deserved so much more. She is such a great character and always made every episode better.

No yeah I bet! I’m currently in Chicago right now and it’s not snowing, but it is rainy, so it’s not too bad, but walking around in the cold rain is definitely not the greatest lol. I can’t even imagine how it would be if it was snowing.

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