Jan 20Liked by Summer Noel

I find it to be an interesting balance of wanting to be seen and heard but also being honest with yourself in your craft. My wife and I talk about this often when writing songs for church. When we sit down to write a song are we writing it to sound catchy and to appease others or are we writing it from a place of honesty and genuineness to God? A place of authenticity of who God created us to be and not trying to sound like what’s “trendy.”

Anyone can write a song, just like anyone can write an article, but the ones that come from an honest place and from the heart are the ones that I’ve found really speak to others. Vulnerability is power. I believe what people want most in the world is something real and authentic, and that only comes through when the artist is real and authentic. So keep it up dude! Proud of you!

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Ugh I felt this so hard lol. Creative writing was my major in college so I was constantly told to think about who I’m writing for, who I want my audience to be, and ~building my PeRsOnAl BrAnD!!~. Which I understand, especially when you do want to make money with your art. But man does it get exhausting, especially when going through your late teens/early twenties, when your identity changes so much and it affects your writing and your ability to be consistent with a personal brand. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary and 70 subscribers! 💕

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